Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Becoming a Bally's Girl

Well, I've done it. I joined Bally's gym with LlamaSloth (name changed until I know I'm allowed to do otherwise). Woo. Apparently I've made my father very happy. I'm happy. I swam laps for a while yesterday. I did almost half a mile. No gym today because we spent a good chunk of the afternoon running errands. Tomorrow, well, ok today since it's technically Thursday now, we're going back. My buddy will be meeting with a trainer, while I will be messing about with the weight machines and stuff all on my own until she's done. I'm actually looking forward to it. I loved the swim, but I didn't really feel it like I thought I would. It's not that I was wanting to be sore or anything, but it doesn't feel like I did anything at all. I want a sense of accomplishment!
I was actually surprised at the gym. I was expecting to walk in and see a bunch of bleach blonde sorority girls. Instead there were people of all ages and sizes, with the exception of the bleach blonde sorority girls. It was comforting and made the whole thing much less intimidating. I'm still a little nervous about being out working on the machines but I'll get over it, I'm sure.
My eating habits are still bad. I'm trying to be better. Paolo sent me some fudge as a belated birthday present. I only had a little piece today. I ate too much at dinner, but I think it's alright. I only had a bowl of cheerios before that. I'm pretty well within 2,000 calories for the day. Drinking enough water is hard. I know there are lots and lots of reasons to do it, but I just have trouble. I'm not drinking sodas instead right now, I just go without drinking anything. It's terrible.
Boy Thing and I are planning our food for next week. We're shooting for not making any of our standards like spaghetti or hamburger and rice. I'm going to try and make my stuff from a Mediterranian light cookbook that Mom got me and maybe from the Weight Watcher's website or something similar. Hopefully it'll be a start on changing our diets. But now it's time for bed. I'm hoping to get my hair cut before the work out tomorrow. It's time for change